Κυριακή 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Ερευνητές δημοσιογράφοι έχουν εντοπίσει αποστολές χημικών όπλων στις Αμερικανικά ελεγχόμενες πηγές της περιοχής ΒΙΝΤΕΟ

Ερευνητές δημοσιογράφοι στο εσωτερικό της Georgia και της περιοχής έχουν εντοπίσει αποστολές χημικών όπλων στις Αμερικανικά ελεγχόμενες πηγές της περιοχής.

Εδώ, τα όπλα από τη Georgia αναπτύσονται από τρομοκράτες της Αλ Κάιντα που υποστηρίζουν οι ΗΠΑ
στη Συρία.


US Chem Weapons Disposal Program Supplies WMD’s for Syrian Rebels

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Investigative journalists inside Georgia and the region have traced shipments of chemical weapons to American controlled sources in the region.
Here, the weapons from Georgia are being deployed by US backed Al Qaeda terrorists.

Journalists, Jeffrey Silverman and Lika Moshiashvili have discovered clandestine WMD operations at the US controlled Central Reference Laboratory.
Additionally, at the same facility, now controlled by the US government under cover of a “disarmament aid” program, new strains of deadly viruses are now also being reported as being weaponized and distributed to terrorist organizations.
Differentiating between listed and named terror groups and intelligence agencies has become problematic. All of this is financed by the US government and done under the guise of foreign aid and disease control.
 I don't usually publish stories from Infowars, but considering the fragile nature of world affairs around this whole BS Syria false flag, I decided to make an exception. I support any material that will help to "derail the United States rush to attack Syria." MAKE THIS VIRAL! ~BK''

[UPDATED w/comment from FB]

Angela: How do we even know if this is fact just because a journalist from AP said so? It gets harder and harder to discern anymore!

Brian Kelly I know where you're coming from Angela...the most important point here in my opinion is that the story doesn't match up to what the mainstream is trying to jam down our throats. When articles like this go viral, even if only limited to the net and alternative media, it makes it very difficult to continue to try and get folks to buy into the lies.

How do we know if anything reported ANYWHERE is fact??...many times we do not. This forces us to go within to find the answers. My strategy is just to keep my eyes and mind open...to watch events as they unfold as I would when watching an exciting sporting event....totally unattached to the outcome and open to allowing and accepting whatever it is that unfolds. There is purpose behind ALL of it. Best not to get too sucked into the drama. Key is never to pay any fear energy into what is happening around us; that's their objective, to instill fear. When we refuse to be fearful their mission fails completely. What's exciting about this story is it is showing how sloppy they are getting and incapable of pulling off successful false flags. People are way too aware and skeptical now. It won't be long before their ship sinks completely :)

Militants tell AP reporter they mishandled Saudi-supplied chemical weapons, causing accident

Paul Joseph Watson
August 30, 2013

Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press journalist Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

“From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families….many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” writes Gavlak. (back up version here).

Rebels told Gavlak that they were not properly trained on how to handle the chemical weapons or even told what they were. It appears as though the weapons were initially supposed to be given to the Al-Qaeda offshoot Jabhat al-Nusra.

“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions,” one militant named ‘J’ told Gavlak.

His claims are echoed by another female fighter named ‘K’, who told Gavlak, “They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them. We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”

Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of an opposition rebel, also told Gavlak, “My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” describing them as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.” The father names the Saudi militant who provided the weapons as Abu Ayesha.

According to Abdel-Moneim, the weapons exploded inside a tunnel, killing 12 rebels.

“More than a dozen rebels interviewed reported that their salaries came from the Saudi government,” writes Gavlak.

If accurate, this story could completely derail the United States’ rush to attack Syria which has been founded on the “undeniable” justification that Assad was behind the chemical weapons attack. Dale Gavlak’s credibility is very impressive. He has been a Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press for two decades and has also worked for National Public Radio (NPR) and written articles for BBC News.

The website on which the story originally appeared - Mint Press (which is currently down as a result of huge traffic it is attracting to the article) is a legitimate media organization based in Minnesota. The Minnesota Post did a profile on them last year.

Saudi Arabia’s alleged role in providing rebels, whom they have vehemently backed at every turn, with chemical weapons, is no surprise given the revelations earlier this week that the Saudis threatened Russia with terror attacks at next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi unless they abandoned support for the Syrian President.

“I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” Prince Bandar allegedly told Vladimir Putin, the Telegraph reports.

The Obama administration is set to present its intelligence findings today in an effort prove that Assad’s forces were behind last week’s attack, despite American officials admitting to the New York Times that there is no “smoking gun” that directly links President Assad to the attack.

US intelligence officials also told the Associated Press that the intelligence proving Assad’s culpability is “no slam dunk.”

As we reported earlier this week, intercepted intelligence revealed that the Syrian Defense Ministry was making “panicked” phone calls to Syria’s chemical weapons department demanding answers in the hours after the attack, suggesting that it was not ordered by Assad’s forces.

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